For FishingBooker to transfer the funds of a deposit in the event of a breach of your cancellation policy, you need to select through which Payout Method you'd like to receive your earnings.
We'll get in touch with you for you to select the options, but you can also check the status of your Payouts in your Payouts dashboard or add/change your Payout Methods here.
Depending on your location and business status, you can choose between four payout method types:
- Before adding PayPal as your preferred Payout method, please make sure that it is activated and ready to receive funds.
- This transfers funds directly to your company's bank account. You must be a registered business in the US to select this method.
Wire Transfer
- This method is only available for captains outside the US, and only Payouts of $200 USD or more can be processed. You’ll need to enter your IBAN, which your bank can provide.
- This is the slowest payout method, as it requires postage and in-person delivery to the bank, and is only available to captains in the US.