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I need to cancel a trip due to bad weather. What do I do?

    If you need to cancel a trip due to bad weather, then your customer is eligible for a full refund or a free rescheduled trip. You can suggest alternative dates or process a refund of the deposit to the customer when you need to cancel.

    You are responsible for canceling the trip

    To cancel a trip due to bad weather, please follow these steps:

    1. Go to your Bookings.
    2. Find the booking you need to cancel and click View details. 
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Cancel booking.  
    4. Select Bad or unsafe weather conditions as a reason from the drop-down menu.
      • You will then be given the option to suggest alternative dates to your customer.
    5. If you still want to cancel, click Next until you reach the last cancellation screen.
    6. Choose Yes, cancel.


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