If you’re a charter operator, fishing guide, lodge owner, or outfitter, FishingBooker will advertise your business on the world's largest online service for fishing trips absolutely free. We'll write an SEO-friendly description, make sure your photos look as good as possible, and promote your business to our customers all over the world. We'll also advertise you on Google, Bing, Instagram, Facebook, and other online platforms to help maximize your exposure and get you bookings.
So, how does FishingBooker make money?
We keep a commission from every successfully booked trip that takes place. We only make money if you go fishing. If the trip is canceled due to any reason, the commission is either refunded to the customer or sent to you, depending on the cancellation policy.
How do I make money?
Customers can book by paying a deposit or by paying for the trip in full*. If they pay with a deposit, then they will pay the rest either before or on the day of the trip through any payment method you prefer. If they pay in full, then the money will be transferred to you as soon as the trip has concluded successfully.
*Full Online Payments are currently only available to captains in the US.
You have full control over your prices and availability, and, with your FishingBooker calendar, you can fit the customers you receive from our site into your regular client schedule.
Once a customer requests to book a trip with you, you’ll be notified via email, text message, and a FishingBooker for Captains app notification. If you accept the booking, you’ll be able to directly contact the customer to work out any outstanding details.